• Dietary remedies

    Skinesa: a probiotic with scientifically proven effects on skin health

    In the recent years there has been a growing interest, from both the medical community and the patients, in the effects of probiotics on the course of seborrheic dermatitis (SD). In a previous post we have discussed the effects of Vitreoscilla filiformis probiotic applied to the skin. A double-blind study​1​ involving 60 patients with SD showed a reduction of itching, erythema and scaling. In two other posts (this and this) we discussed how clinical studies involving the oral administration of respectively ST11​2​ and E. coli Nissle​3​ probiotics demonstrated a significant reduction in SD symptoms. These examples confirm the benefits of using various strains of probiotics when treating SD. Today, we’ll…

  • lymphatic system
    Lifestyle remedies

    Healthy skin with daily movement

    On this website we promote a holistic approach to healthy skin. It is a lifestyle consisting of healthy eating, keeping your gut flora healthy, keeping your skin flora happy, spending time outdoors, taking cold showers, and cold exposure in general. One important habit that we did not discuss yet is regular exercise. It might sound obvious, but daily movement is extremely important for a healthy body. Today we’ll discuss why it is especially important for people who are trying to heal their skin. The lymphatic system The lymphatic system is the system that benefits most directly from daily movement. It consists of narrow tubes called lymphatic vessels, which collect and…

  • Dietary remedies

    Vitamin B12 and seborrheic dermatitis

    We have previously looked at the connection between vitamin D deficiency and seborrheic dermatitis. Today we’ll talk about another important vitamin and its impact on SD. Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a complex molecule with an atom of cobalt at its center. In our body’s cells, vitamin B12 plays a vital role in the synthesis of DNA and, thus, is essential for the health of blood and bone marrow. Scientific evidence Unfortunately, very few scientific studies exist on the impact of vitamin B12 on seborrheic dermatitis. One study​1​ has investigated the treatment of psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis with regular doses of vitamin B12: Vitamin B complex in various…